What a great experience spending time with Quila, the field spaniel, in Santa Barbara!
We admit, we’re part of the local “choir” — Santa Barbara has got to be one of the nicest places in the world. Just a relatively narrow strip between the mountains and a pristine beach, part of Santa Barbara’s charm is that it never will be developable into a major urban area! Beautiful beach line, sunny, temperate climate, wine country to the east — what more could one ask? 🙂
And little Quila! (short for Tequila Sunrise — her litter was named for tequila drinks) We love working dogs, and Quila was a great example of all the excellent characteristics of her breed, thanks to years of loving, consistent attention by her owners. Of course Quila needed physical exercise, but she also needed stimulation of her instinctual gifts — tracking ball tosses and general off-leash exploration were such an important part of her day, and such a great time for us!
Quila’s intensity and focus on ball or birds or tracking is part of her DNA, and it required that we be extra vigilant when she was off-leash. Fortunately, the owners have done such a wonderful job, working with professional trainers, it was relatively easy for us to step into the routines and thoroughly enjoy our outings with her…
…and that’s really the reason we embarked on this journey — it is so joyful spending time with these beautiful companions, and helping out the people who love them while they’re away!