We had booked 4 months housesitting in Chicago, and, about a month before we were scheduled to come in, there was a new “arrival” at the household, Barney! Barney was a feral little baby who wasn’t doing very well on his own, so the homeowners captured and adopted him. He was four months old when we came in, and, really, who wouldn’t fall in love with that little face!
Maybe it’s just Barney, but this little kitten, even though he started life feral, always wants to be “part of the family.” His skittishness about sudden movements and noises is perfectly balanced by his curiosity and interest in engaging with people — how many kittens bring a ball and place it at your feet to get you to play with them? Cats are aloof and independent? We think not! 🙂
Our time in Chicago also included “personal assistant” help for the busy professionals, including depositing rental checks, gathering tax materials for their accountant, and “curating” mail for items that might merit their attention. We enjoyed keeping in contact with them via email — they were on a world cruise and had fascinating experiences to share! — and we were honored by their level of trust.
Although it was one of the coldest winters on record in Chicago, the joy of raising Barney and developing a friendship with his parents warmed our hearts plenty, making it a truly remarkable experience!